Tuesday, February 23, 2010

HASOM Students with something else in mind...

Since I was a kid, I knew that music was going to be a part of my life forever. In high school and even until last year, I had my eyes set on a career in music--whether it be a music teacher, free lance performer or composer. But after some "soul-searching", I recently made a big decision to pursue nursing as a career. This decision sparked an interest and curiosity as to why other students in the Herb Alpert School of Music at UCLA, who are studying music, ethnomusicology, music history, are pursuing a profession outside of music. Therefore, I went on a search for such students to ask a few questions about their selection of undergraduate studies and prospective careers.

1) What is your major and primary instrument/concentration?
Ethnomusicology, Sitar
2) What year are you in your undergraduate studies?
4th year
3) What profession outside of music are you pursing?
Medicine/Public health
4) When did you decide to become an ethnomusicology/music/musicology/music history major?
I entered as an ethnomusicology major with the plan to pursue medicine, hoping to do both but always making medicine a priority
5)Why did you decide to pursue an undergraduate degree in ethno/music/musicology instead of an area that is “common” or “more practical” for your future profession?
Because I thought it would be a good way for me to maintain my passion in music, stay balanced and become well rounded as a person
6) What are the “pros” and “cons” of studying at HASOM instead of the college of letters of science, as to someone who is
I have less access to premed counseling. Less opportunities in academics like being an honors student, etc.
7) Do you plan to incorporate music into your future career? If yes, how so? If no, why not?
I think I will maintain music as my side hobby. If I do incorporate it, it will be used for fundraising, publicity, etc.

JI-WON KIM (myself)
1) What is your major and primary instrument/concentration?
Ethnomusicology, composition
2) What year are you in your undergraduate studies?
3rd year
3) What profession outside of music are you pursing?
Nursing (Registered Nurse and eventually Nurse Practitioner)
4) When did you decide to become an ethnomusicology/music/musicology/music history major?
I auditioned for the ethnomusicology department during my senior year of high school. So I started at UCLA as an ethnomusicology major.
5)Why did you decide to pursue an undergraduate degree in ethno/music/musicology instead of an area that is “common” or “more practical” for your future profession?
Well, I had originally wanted to pursue a career in music. However, after some serious thinking and consulting with mentors, I came to a conclusion that I can finish my undergraduate studies in music (which I very much enjoy by the way) and afterward go into nursing school. Nursing is a very practical career yet effective with a lot of flexibility. I plan to serve in my church's music ministry and compose, song write, and arrange on my days off.
6) What are the “pros” and “cons” of studying at HASOM instead of the college of letters of science, as to someone who is
Trying to take pre-requisites for nursing school, which are mostly science classes in the college of letters of science, on top of my music classes is tough. It's definitely a give and take. I have to sacrifice some music classes that interest me, in order to take let's say an anatomy class because of schedule conflicts and heavy workload.
7) Do you plan to incorporate music into your future career? If yes, how so? If no, why not?
Definitely! I am actually going to start volunteering at UCLA Hospital's Music Therapy Program, which is relatively new. I serve in my church's praise team as pianist and arranger. Music will definitely be a big part of my life forever.

I'm still in search for more students in the school who are in the same boat as Sonali and me to answer these questions!

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